Bournemouth cricket will be saying its sad farewells to Ceila Lucas, their hugely popular scorer through the Eighties and 1990s, at Poole Crematorium on Monday 11 September 2017 at 1100. Celia died last week , aged 81 years, after a long illness.
The cricketers’ ‘wake’ (or get together) will be at David/Vicky Ridley’s, 6 Upper Golf Links Road, Broadstone, BH18 8BU. For catering purposes, Vicky needs to know in advance how many will be going so, if you were a friend or ‘team-mate’ of Celia’s and plan to attend the funeral, please let Vicky know - [email protected] or 01202 696476 ?
The cricketers’ ‘wake’ (or get together) will be at David/Vicky Ridley’s, 6 Upper Golf Links Road, Broadstone, BH18 8BU. For catering purposes, Vicky needs to know in advance how many will be going so, if you were a friend or ‘team-mate’ of Celia’s and plan to attend the funeral, please let Vicky know - [email protected] or 01202 696476 ?