The ECB statement regarding the 2020 season suspended all cricket for the foreseeable future. We have decided that if restrictions are lifted and sport is given the go ahead to resume by the end of June, then the HCL will complete the rest of the 2020 League season with promotion and relegation being administered.
Division 1 promotion to Southern Premier League would have to depend on the SPCL 2020 arrangements.
Clarification: If the restrictions are lifted after the 30th June there would be no competitive League matches with no promotions and relegations and the 2020 format would go to the 2021 season.
We would then recommend and ask clubs to play their remaining fixtures as friendlies and bring some normality back to a devastating period.
We propose to store the match balls that you have ordered securely, and details of how these will be distributed will follow. The handbook is ready to go to print, but we will delay the printing of it until we know more.
I wish all players and officials, and their families keep safe and well during these next few uncertain months and hopefully get back to cricket before too long.
Denis Emery, Chairman